Of course the obvious news from yesterday is the firing of Ned Yost. This topic, along with the closure of one of the local dive bars, gave us the lengthiest comment thread in Brewed Sports' short history. Thanks for your contributions fellas.
On the Yost Topic:
Braun made a diplomatic statement. Robin Yount will be back as bench coach for the rest of the season. Yost says he didn't see it coming, and gives a classy response. Fan House's Pat Lackey asks why, but then realizes that a better question is, why not sooner? Baseball Prospectus's Joe Sheehan breaks it all down here, and leave us with this quote:
No, the players didn't play well in Philadelphia, but Ned Yost gift-wrapped that first game, a game the Brewers could well have won with some better decisionmaking. He earned his firing, and short of replacing him with Dakota Fanning or something, the Brewers will be better off for his absence.
Oh, and our friends at firenedyost.com claim victory and ride off into the sunset. Godspeed Marty McSuperfly.
There's only one thing left to do now...
In other baseball news, the Mets lost to Washington. That puts the Brewers just a half game back on the Mets, should Philly overtake them and send them into the wild card race. The Astos lost to the Cubs again, and were almost no-hit by Ted F-ing Lily. That puts them 2.5 back on us. Not a bad off day for the Crew, all things considered.
Monday Night Football gave us a glimps of next week's competition, the Dallas Cowbays. It also gave us the opportunity to see DeSean Jackson throw away an Eagles' touchdown. What an idiot. Overall, the game was a shoot-out that consisted entirely of big plays and fuck-ups, and ended with monstrous scores (41 for the Cowboys and 37 for the Eagles). Romo put up solid numbers and threw for three touchdowns, but he also had a pick and a costly fumble in the end zone that led to an Eagles TD. T.O. had 2 TDs and a bunch of yards and Barber and Witten looked tough as well. The Cowboys will be a big test for the Packers, especially when it comes to pass defense. The good spin about a game like this is it's entirely possible that it was a battler of crappy defenses, rather than a battle of huge offenses. Isn't it?
COED Magazine has a list of the 25 Sexiest Sportscasters. FSN Wisconsin's Trenni Kusnierek smirks her way into the top 25.
Today's Hair of the Dog is brought to you by Great Dane Brewing Company's Ned's Red. In honor of Ned Yost, of course.
3 hours ago
I definitely respect Yost (I had no personal problems, mine were purely baseball) for his handling of the situation.
THat is a lovely photo of Miller Park.
Which i think you should repalce when baseball season is over.
With the lovely photo of Lambeau now at the bottom.
That's the plan. I think the color scheme will change appropriately as well.
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