Monday, April 27, 2009

Seemed Like A Good Draft.

1. Took best talent available? Check (at least as far as I can tell).

2. Addressed needs, particularly of changing defensive scheme? Check.

3. Are not the Raiders? Check.

Also, I know Denver had extra picks and had 7 RBs go on the DL last year, but really? Knowshon Moreno? If Denver has taught us anything, it's that if you have a good offensive line, your RB really doesn't matter. Like, at all. And here, under this new scheme, we see them chase a pro-bowl QB out of town and then use a 1st round pick (a HIGH 1st round pick) on a RB? Times they are a changin'.

Anyway, I'm more excited about the pick of BJ Raji than I should be. He's listed at 6-2, 337 pounds. In the past the Packers have tended towards lightweight defensive ends with their high draft picks. This guy, at the very least, will take up some space. I don't know how he or Clay Matthews will pan out, but I like that I can see the logic behind these picks.


  1. I was pleased to see TT take what we needed instead of being distracted by big shiny objects (Crabtree).

    I hope this 3-4 thing works out.

  2. As far as prematurely judging drafts goes, I don't see how you could be disappointed by this one.

  3. I like the picks, but it sure appears to me that Matthews cost too much. They must really like him.

  4. Raji was the pick I was hoping for. Everything I read says teh 3-4 needs a stout NT and to get that plus a guy who can apply some pressure is great.

    As for Matthews, he was pricey, but I watched his videos and the guy moves like a defensive back... and he played DE for USC last year. So I don't know how he'll do strengthwise against NFL LT's, but he should certainly be able to do everything else you'd want at OLB.
