Thursday, September 16, 2010

Why The Bills Scare Me, Just A Little

Don't get me wrong, I think the Packers will probably wipe the floor with the hapless Bills. That said, I find the following facts troubling:

1. The Bills are good at 1 thing: pass defense.

2. Our best RB is newly out for the year, and this is the kind of game where he probably would have shined.

I just hope they don't get into a situation where the Bills have managed to keep it within a score, it's late, and they're forced to pass every down.


  1. Paul put down your man bag and man up. Pack is going to Destroy the Bills this weekend AR is going to want to redeem himself after a so so performance in Philly. I think they find their stride and win in a rout.

  2. You gonna be able to tear yourself away from Halo to watch the game, Chris?

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