Sunday, August 29, 2010

Where for art thou Carlos Gomez?

Looking at today's starting lineup and I see Dickerson and Inglett in the starting lineup. I assume this is to get more left handed bats into the lineup, but's Charlie Morton. The splits are somewhat different but it's kind of meaningless when both righties (.908 OPS) and lefties (1.093) absolutely mash against the guy.

I had no internet or cell service in Yosemite this past week so I didn't catch any of the games til yesterday. Has Carlos Gomez gotten any at-bats since returning to the team? It looks like he has most certainly not started at all. Lorenzo Cain is obviously proving himself the starting center fielder of the future and Dickerson is a better 4th option since he has some offensive potential.

So, where does this put Gomez? I'd like to think that Melvin will be able to move Gomez for a bullpen arm as the team rebuilds the entire staff (yet again...) but I'm not hopeful.

For those that think I was too harsh in ridiculing Gomez's incredibly limited intelligence...well.

As for my trip, it was amazing, thank you for asking.


  1. In the American League, you can have defensive players in the line up. In the NL, you need some sort of production from all 8 position players. Carlos Gomez says "where for art thou my offensive production".

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