Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Brett Favre blah, blah, blah.

As we all knew this would happen I haven’t really been in the mood to jump all over the story. That said, here’s what I’m looking forward to in the Favre-Viking era:

1. Watching Brett Favre throw 5 interceptions in the Metrodome and being happy about it.

2. Watching Adrian Peterson get pissed off every time Favre audibles to a pass.

3. The inevitable “sex tractor” scandal.

4. Favre will visit Lambeau in early November, which will probably be sort of cold; however, he will get to freeze his butt off at Soldier Field on December 28th.

5. He’s come this far for Darrell Bevell. Can a conversion to Mormonism be far behind?

6. Mark Chmura’s first visit to Lake Wobegon.

7. The confusion that ensues when Favre calls the play “Blue 47, duck, duck, goose” when his teammates expect to hear “Blue 47, duck, duck, grey duck.”

8. The first time someone compares Brett Favre to Jeff George.

9. When he fake-retires again next year and joins the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

10. Beating the Vikings.


  1. I have been a self-proclaimed Favrophile for some time now. Thinking that they way things went down last year it was the wrong move. Well.

    1. Aaron Rodgers was the right move. No arguments there.


    2. IF Favre goes to the Vikings to screw Thompson he is a daft prick.

  2. At least we got a draft pick for the daft prick.

  3. Tell me more about this sex tractor, i'm intrigued.
