Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Quick Rap

1. The Badgers are about to finish off an impressive win over Michigan on the road behind excellent play form Marcus Landry, Travon Hughes, and Jon Leuer. I hope people do not take the Bo Ryan era for granted.

2. Viking Fans Suck.

3. BP interviews Jack Z. If you're cool enough to subscribe.

4. The Bucks really do (sort of) own the Spurs.

5. Who's gonna win it?


  1. I've been calling em "the Bucks, the Bucks" ever since.

    It's annoying even to me, but I just can't help it.

  2. I listened to a large chunk of that game on the way home last night on the Sat. I have to say I am actually being sucked back in by the Bucks(notice no Does name calling at the moment)

    I could see this team being a 8 to 6 seed in the East a pleasant surprise to say the least

    As for the Badgers very nice start to their defense of their Big Ten title. I actually pity MU the Big East regular season is going to be a buzz saw that is going to destroy teams rankings Big East might get 10 teams in the dance this year. Should also be an up year for Big Ten.

  3. Having grown up with the Twin Cities as the big metro that was closest to me, I have long maintained that Minnesota sports fans are amongst the worst in the country. And they know it. I've had the conversations with Minnesotans where I bring up their poor following of their teams, and nobody ever denied it. Instead, they usually justified it by saying how great their city(ies) is and how much there is to do besides watch sports...unless of course the team is seriously contending for a championship. Then it is cool to turn out.

  4. Chris, I agree, the Bucks are very compelling this season. I didn't think that the addition of Richard Jefferson would be that big of deal. He always looks pissed off but that is exactly what the Bucks needed... that and Bogut elevating his game make them fun to watch again.

    Oh, and they play defense finally!!!!
