Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cameron for Melky? Ugh...

I would register if this happens:

"The Yankees have
inquired about the availability of Mike Cameron and the Brewers are
weighing whether to deal the center fielder.

Brewers officials
have been asking around about Melky Cabrera, trying to determine why he
struggled in 2008. The Yankees are willing to deal Cabrera and pitching
to land Cameron.

Earlier this week the Brewers picked up the $10
million 2009 option on Cameron. Nevertheless, Milwaukee believes its
lineup is too right-handed plus it needs pitching. Cabrera's numbers as
a lefty were not great (.267 with a .361 slugging percentage), but were
far better than his stats as a righty.

Melky Cabrera 2008: .249/.301/.341 OPS+ 68

Wow. But hey, he only struck out 58 times, so he is a massive upgrade over Cameron.


  1. I would love to see them trade away Cam

    It would be nice to know who the "pitching" part of the deal would be.

  2. If Cabrera is the name being tossed out there, you can bet whatever pitching they are talking about throwing in there is next to worthless. Ross Ohlendorf is probably a decent guess.

    Cabrera is absolutely terrible and that is what they are leading with.

  3. Also, why did you post this as a series of Haikus?

  4. It's the margins of the blog, I think. Whenever I use the quote function is blows it up like that.

  5. as head of the blog Danny you will spend a good amount of time fixing things like that with ESK posts lol

  6. I Enjoy Haiku.
    ESK Needs No Edit.
    I Want to Keep Cam.

  7. Only fascists edit. Unless it's grammatical.

  8. no I meant when an inadvertent line of blog code in a post messes up how the blog looks

    trust me it happens more than you can would think
